Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Winter Clothing: Snow is here!

Winter Clothing
“Snow pants, boots, jacket, hat,
Mittens go on after that.”

A little poem to help children learn the difficult process of preparing for outside play!

The snow is here and although it may not stay just yet, it will be coming eventually.  Just a reminder to make sure that your children are coming to school dressed for the weather.  This includes hats, mittens, snow pants, jackets, boots and scarves/neck warmers.  The students are outside playing during lunch recess and sometimes in the morning and/or afternoon, so it is very important to make sure they are prepared for the weather outside.  

Please also remind your children to wear their mittens and hats outside.  We are finding some students are forgetting to wear them, and although we are reminding them, a few more reminders from home never hurt. 

Thank you for your support.

Your Partners in Learning,
Ms. Stefanoff and Ms. Russell