Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Welcome to our class blog!

Welcome parent(s) and guardian(s)!

We are very excited to be embarking on this new trend: blogging!  The main reason we have developed this blog is to better communicate with you about what the students are doing in class, important dates and other special events.  We also want to start using more technology in our classroom; some of you may have heard we now have iPads in our class, which have been extremely popular.  So, this is another way to introduce more technology.  It will be a great way to communicate with you all and for you to be able to see all the wonderful learning going on with the students!

On our blog, you will see pictures and posts of the different activities we do daily.  The pictures we post will not have any faces shown, it will only be of activities and work done in class.  If a student is in the picture, their face will be blurred out.

We will be posting on here every week, as much as we can, so please visit the blog regularly!

Thank you!
Your Partners in Learning,
Ms. Stefanoff and Ms. Russell