Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Student made Number Wall

Everyday we are working with numbers, whether it's counting forward, backwards or skip counting, or writing numbers--we are working with numbers all the time!  So this week we created a number wall, which was made by the students.  It was a great way to have the students show what they have been learning into a project to benefit our class.

During activity time, those students who were interested, came to help create each number sheet. Junior and Senior Kindergartens worked together on this.
As you can see the number wall has turned out amazing!  We could not be happier!  The students have loved it and are using it each day during math and activity time.

Sorry for delay

Hi there!

We are very sorry in the delay of posts this month.  December has been very busy with our Holiday concert, practicing and finishing up before the break!  More posts are to come!

Your Partners in Learning,
Ms. Stefanoff and Ms. Russell

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Important Dates

The important dates section has been updated.  Please take a look at the Monthly Calendar on the right side of this page.

Thank you!

Your Partners in Learning,
Ms. Stefanoff and Ms. Russell